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May 26, 2010

Cook for Good

Could you live off of less than $2 a meal for each person in your family? The average food-stamp allowance for a family of four with no other means is $1.99 per meal per person, meaning $2 per meal per person is the budget that many disadvantaged families in this country must survive off of every day. What kind of foods would you buy, how would you prepare them? Maybe you don’t even have time or know-how to cook....

Cook for Good is an educational program including a website, e-book, and live lessons and videos that teaches people step-by-step how to select, prepare and store meals within the $2 a meal budget. In fact, Cook for Good founder, Linda Watson, gives you all the tools you need to cook for less including shopping lists, recipes, rotating seasonal menus and more. Following this program you can cook for good for an average $1.15 a meal- even better, for $1.77 a meal you can cook for good using “green” or sustainable ingredients.

Participants in the Mother-Baby Program here at SFBFS had the opportunity to learn from Linda Watson herself in a presentation given here on April 30th. Linda showed us how to prepare a multitude of meals and snacks in 20 minutes a day- pretty impressive. Recipes included quick homemade bread, vanilla pudding, spicy peanut noodle sauté, and beans. The e-book includes even more great recipes with enough variety and flavor that nothing gets old.

Cook for Good and similar initiatives are essential to providing those in need with not only money or product, but also education and information to help them become more self-sufficient. At SFBFS we are proud to offer ever-expanding health and nutrition education and community resources at our mobile food distributions.

To learn more, visit

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